Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chai Latte

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Let me start by saying that I love coffee, every morning when I get step into and get a whiff of that sweet aroma its like sweet heaven. My problem with coffee is that I don't like it black I love dressing up my coffee and that is where my downfall is. I enjoy loading it with lots of super yucky {yummy} creamers, my fave being Coconut Crème from Coffee Mate. So a few weeks ago I started my Spring Fling session with my bootcamp and we had to set a couple goals. I decided to get brave and give up coffee *gasp*, I figured it was only for 6 weeks and its not like I've never done it before. So to make a long story longer I didn't have a problem with not having my a cup, I wasn't craving it but my body was going through relapse! I would get these crazy crazy headaches everyday at around 10AM like clockwork. That went on for about a week and half and then after that I was good!

So while my morning cup of joe was more of a morning comfort drink if anything, I needed something to take its place. It's pretty safe to say that I have found an amazing substation, I am officially obsessed with Chai Lattes. I drink Yerba Mate tea on the regular hot and cold, I've grown to like it simply because of its amazing health benefits. I usually get plain traditional Yerba Mate but I saw that they had so many flavors to choose from and decided to get a couple to try them out I got the Chai Spice Mate and the Mate Chocolatte. Both are simply-simply amazing!! This is an on the cheap make it at home Chai Latte and trust me it won't disappoint!
  • Tea Bag of your choice
  • 10oz. of hot water
  • Milk Frother
  • Stevia/Truvia
  • 1/2 cup of Almond Milk
  1. Boil hot water
  2. While water is boiling place Almond Milk and Stevis in frother and froth away
  3. Once water boiled steep your tea bag
  4. Pour Almond Milk in your cup
  5. Sip and ENJOY!

Enjoy your Chai Tea Latte!!


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