Monday, June 24, 2013

Week-end Wrap Up.

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My week-end was pretty chill. 
Friday night my pal from high school asked if I wanted to hang out at the pool saturday with her and her kids ... sounded better then my plans of tipping toeing around the house, while Don studied.  So, I invited her crew over, saturday morning, for some much needed sun, girl talk and play date.
Friday night, Don rented "The Great and Powerful, OZ". In which, I fell asleep on the couch watching and woke up with a full muchache and beard, sharpied onto my face.
The kids and him always do this to me! I should have known better,but, I was just so tired!
My HOA hires life guards (aka high school kids) to come patrol our pools, during the summer. We were so excited about getting together and letting the kids have some fun, that  I was a little dissapointed that every ten seconds, she would get up from her spot in the pool, get out, walk clear across the pool to where we were, bend down, at eye level with my son, and ask him not to run. 
Which is fine.
But, hello-he was standing next to me (for probably five mins), snacking away on a fruit snack. No way was he running.  That pissed me off.  We even commented loudly as she was walking away, how he was just standing there.
She continued to do this over and over again, and even at one point, yelled at my friend's little love who isn't even 2 yet, to stop running!!! Christy snaps back, "SHE'S A BABY"! Jeez .... we didn't get a response from her, just a stare. Really?!
The entire pool area, was aware that she was being rediculous. Clearly, she takes her job duties entirely way to serious.
So, the last straw came when my daughter swims over to our side and tells me how the life guard told my son if he doesn't stop, then he can't come back. Who did she think she was? When she didn't even have the decentsy to confront me? THEIR MOTHER!!!
So, enough was enough, and I got up and walked over and introduced myself as the two kids, who she has been harrsassing's mom.  I told her that from now on she needed to come tell me to ask them to stop running, because it was becoming rediculous. That I didn't appreciate her threat of banning him from the pool, and that we couldn't even enjoy our pool day. Christy chimes in with how it didn't set well with her that her baby was being yelled at.  After that, she pretty much layed low. Our kids were able to FINALLY enjoy that pool ... with a little less stress. And when they did run, we were the ones to remind them not to run. 
{You're probably thinking, she was just doing her job. Granted she was, but, she was also yelling at them when they were NOT running, - and that was annoying}.
Despite, our serious life guard, our pool day was great. Much needed girl time with an old friend. Hopefully, we can do that more often! :)
Afterwards, I took the kids over to Don's parents for a quick second to say hi to Skittles. Our little yorkie that they have kept for us while we were living in a rental in Tennessee, and have yet to give back. Our kids miss her so much. :(

Saturday Night, Don and I decided to celebrate our anniversary with a chill date night. We went to Mi Famila, in downtown Roanoke for dinner -and then went home. 
We are really bad about making time for ourselves.
We're working on that.
Baby steps.

And while we were walking back to our car, I had to stop for this gem.
The Rooster photo was for Mabel.
 It made me think of her and that hilarious blog from the bloggess.
Sunday Funday.
Was spent with my mom and younger brother and the four of us, with Kate's friend in tow.
Colton was SO excited about having my mom there.
Let me just take the time to say, how patient and loving she is with him. He was even on his best behavior, and it was all because of her.  He even got her to go down the race slides .. haha but, only once, because getting back up was too much for her. Just goes to show how she will do anything, to make him happy. She's a good Gigi to my kids.
I feel blessed for that.
Leon (my little bro) cracked me up.  He isn't much of a dare devil, doesn't like heights, but, isn't about to wimp out when little kids are going down the slides like its nothing.
So, we went on this ....

A family style raft ride that holds 2 to 6 people sending you through a dark twist and sudden drop to the half-pipe. 
It's probably the craziest slide there ... I don't like it because I'm always scared it will toss us off since they have a minmium weight limit of 300lbs (no more then 600lbs). 
Anyhow, it's SCARY .. to me anyways.
I'm a wimp.
But, I went on it.
Leon's face going down the drop and back up the pike, was HILARIOUS!!
I died.
Seriously, so funny. 
He was scared.
Could barely stand up to get off.
And probably wet his pants. lol
He even commented that he left his balls back there. lol
Our day was Great.
Until my little princess fell off a tube and banged her head on the side of the slide, while going down.  It required a trip to the life guard station to have her checked out. I was not there when it happened, I just saw Leon walking towards me telling me, "Hey, your daughter hurt her head".
Mama Bear sets in ..
and I jet off to the life guard station.
I imagined the worst.
You know, head gashed open, blood everywhere.
The worst.
I run in, grab her hand and ask what's going on ....
In a panic-totally-over-reacting-Eileen-kind-of-way.
They all start laughing.
She was okay.
Vitals were stable. Head just bumped really hard, she felt nauseated but didn't show signs of a concusion. No goose eggs. Just a little headache, that could be a combonation of too much sun (she was red, poor girl).  So they released her to me with ice cold water and an ice pack.  Scared the crap out of me.  I never worry that she will be the one to get hurt. Usually, I worry its Mr. Colton.
All in all, Sunday was a fun family day. We ended the day, soaking my little bro with the left over ice/water from the ice chest. ha. (totally Don's idea, but, he thought it was mine). Then home to relax.  Can't wait to do it all again, next weekend!


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