Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh, hello love - it's us .... with a new facelift!

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If you frequent our page, you may have noticed that we have undergone some cosmetic changes, a new fresh, clean, BRIGHT fun atmosphere for the background and a nice new name change.
*** Intoducing, "Life & other stuff with Mableen ***
We're pretty original.  I mean Ben Afflick and Jennifer Lopez did it ... (Benifer).  So, why can't we ... Mabel + Eileen -in 2013. A few years too late, but, who cares. We're bringing that back!!! :)
Actually, it wasn't entirely about that - but, that seemed like a funny intro for this blog. We just haven't been blogging.  We WANT to blog. We just haven't had the time. Our "crafters across the miles" wasn't as sucessful as we had hoped ... most projects were listed when Eileen stayed home, as a stay at home mom ... and before Mabel began planning her wedding. In which, she NEVER, EVER blogged.
* On that note. She really should be booted from the blog land community. A WEDDING is a pretty awesome thing to blog about. She had a very cultural, vintage inspired wedding and maybe, hopefully, soon after this posting, forsure, she can share that with all of you, how much effort and time she put into all of that... where she got her wedding inspirations from, her emotions of putting the wedding together, hiring vendors, her emotions on that day, and night.  Just something to consider, Mrs. Mabe's!
So anyhow, back to where I was - our lives changed. One of us got married, the other had a cross country move, bought a house, and got a job. Life, as we knew it - changed. Our time to recreate pinterest projects, and share awesome projects that we came up with on our own .... froze.  We just didn't have the time in our busy lives to blog all of that. 
So hear we are - June 19, 2013, to be exact ... making the decision to CHANGE our blog and share more of our lives, with you. Yes, there will still be some crafting DIY here and there, but, what you'll come to love and find, is that WE are pretty hilarious, at times. We have a lot of things going on at once, and yet, we still manage to shoot the breeze with one another 24/7 ...sometimes, even, while sitting on the toilet, because that is how cool and comfortable we are with one another. 
So, be prepared for some awesomness.  Some happy. Some sad. Some crazy. Some OMG. but, some REAL us. 


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